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Τα πιο χρωματιστά μέρη του κόσμου, The most colourful places in the world

1. The Neal's Yard in London, Το Neal's Yard στο Λονδίνο

2. Cinque Terre in Italy, Το Cinque Terre στην Ιταλία

3. The Rainbow Staircase in Istanbul, Οι πολύχρωμε σκάλες στην Κωνσταντινούπολη

4. The Caminito City in Buenos Aires, Η πόλη Caminito στο Buenos Aires

5. The Provence Village of Menton in France, Το χωριό Μεντόν στην Γαλλία

6. Isla Mujeres in Mexico, Το νησί Mujeres στο Μεξικό

7.  The Chefchaouen city in Morocco, Η πόλη Σεφχάουεν στο Μαρόκο

Jodhpur – or the ‘Blue City’ – lies in the Indian state of Rajasthan and is distinguished by its blue houses that are noticeable even from great distances. Though it cannot be said with certainty, it is believed that the houses were painted blue as a result of the caste system, the hierarchical system of Indian citizenry. Many speculate that the priestly Brahmins painted their homes blue to differentiate themselves from the general population.
Jodhpur – or the ‘Blue City’ – lies in the Indian state of Rajasthan and is distinguished by its blue houses that are noticeable even from great distances. Though it cannot be said with certainty, it is believed that the houses were painted blue as a result of the caste system, the hierarchical system of Indian citizenry. Many speculate that the priestly Brahmins painted their homes blue to differentiate themselves from the general population.
8. The Umbrella Street in Agueda Portugal, Ο δρόμος της Ομπρέλας στο Agueda της Πορτογαλίας


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